
Architecture for Programmable Generator Polynomial Based Reed-Solomon Encoder and Decoder
Jaydeb Bhaumik1, Anindya Sundar Das2, Jagannath Samanta3

1Jaydeb Bhaumik, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India.
2Anindya Sundar Das, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India.
3Jagannath Samanta, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India.
Manuscript received on January 01, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on January 02, 2013. | Manuscript published on January 05, 2013. | PP: 337-339 | Volume-2, Issue-6, January 2013.
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Reed-Solomon Codes are popularly used for error correction in many applications like storage devices (CD, DVD), wireless communications, high speed modems and satellite communications. In this paper, a modified scheme for programmable generator polynomial based Reed-Solomon encoder and decoder has been proposed. The works reported in this paper corrects errors in derived equations and decoder architecture proposed by Shayan et al. Moreover, modified architectures for programmable generator polynomial based Reed-Solomon encoder and decoder are reported.
Keywords: Reed-Solomon Code, Finite Field, Encoder and Decoder Architectures