
ERP Sales and Inventory Management System
Puja S. Prasad1, Hitesh R. Yerekar2, Parag G. Satpute3, Gaurav P. Borkar4, Ajinkya S. Shendre5

1Prof. Puja S. Prasad, Lecturer, Department of Information Technology, RTMNU/ Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India.
2Hitesh R.Yerekar,Department of Information Technology, RTMNU/ Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India.
3Gaurav P.Borkar,Department of Information Technology, RTMNU/ Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India.
4Parag G.Satpute,Department of Information Technology, RTMNU/ Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India.
5Ajinkya S.Shendre,Department of Information Technology, RTMNU/ Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India.
Manuscript received on December 08, 2014. | Revised Manuscript received on December 15, 2014. | Manuscript published on January 05, 2014. | PP: 214-217 | Volume-3 Issue-6, January 2014. | Retrieval Number: F2052013614/2014©BEIESP 
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Abstract: The aim of this project to developing an ERP Sales and Inventory Management System (SIMS) for a departmental store. This system can be used to store the details of the inventory, stock maintenance, update the inventory based on the sale details, generate sales and inventory reports periodically etc. This project is to categorize individual aspects for sales and inventory managements system, in this system we are solving various problem affecting to direct sales managed by RSM (Regional Sales Manager), ASM (Area Sales Manager) and SO (Sales Officer) who those are monitoring our team response in term of target on various industrial products
Keywords: Regional Sales Manager, Area Sales Manager, Sales Officer, Distributor …