
A Novel Approach to Change the Breech Presentation of Fetus through Ultrasound
Samreen Amir1, Manzoor Hashmani2, B.S. Chowdhry3 

1Samreen Amir, is a researcher and PhD student in Institute of Information & Communication Technologies, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
2Manzoor Hashmani, is with is with the Dept. of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
3B.S. Chowdhry, is presently working as a Dean Faculty of Electrical Electronics and Computer Engineering and Chairman Electronics Department Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
Manuscript received on December 05, 2011. | Revised Manuscript received on December 18, 2011. | Manuscript published on January 05, 2012. | PP: 212-217 | Volume-1 Issue-6, January 2012. | Retrieval Number: F0303111611/2012©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Breech presentation is one of the reasons for infant mortality and neurological disorders. Many conventional methods are being used to address the problem with different success rates and side effects, like External Cephalic Version, Elective C-Section, Moxibustions, gravity manipulation, acupressure, homeopathy, slant board exercise, visualization etc. The most regular way to deliver a breech baby in developed countries like USA, Australia, and Great Britain is Caesarean section and similar to any major surgery, it engross risks that may increase the maternal mortality. To avoid such risks, one solution is to stimulate unborn baby’s reflex action to make him/her change its position. This paper presents a hypothesis to stimulate the fetal movement using ultrasound beam. The radiation force exerted by the ultrasound beam generates an acoustic vibration and the resulting sound can be used as a stimulus to the baby. The critical part in this approach is the transducer design, in this paper a linear ultra-sonic transducer design is studied as a stimulus source. The results show that the platform developed for this study can be effectively used to simulate and select the optimum design of the transducer. Moreover, the field strength plots given in the paper can be used to select the optimum number of transducer element given the required pressure and the focal depth.
Keywords: Breech presentation, Ultrasound transducer.