
Helping Hands: Enabling the Disabled
Nihar M. Ranjan1, Rahul Pardeshi2, Piyush Bhattad3, Pavan Shah4, Nirav Shah5
1Professor Nihar M. Ranjan, Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute Of Technology And Science, Pune, India.
2Rahul Pardeshi, Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute Of Technology And Science, Pune, India.
3Piyush Bhattad, Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute Of Technology And Science, Pune, India.
4Pavan Shah, Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute Of Technology And Science, Pune, India.
5Nirav Shah, Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute Of Technology And Science, Pune, India.

Manuscript received on October 21, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on November 03, 2013. | Manuscript published on November 05, 2013. | PP: 229-230 | Volume-3 Issue-5, November 2013 . | Retrieval Number: E1944113513/2013©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: A major community in the world population is of physically handicapped and blind people. These people cannot access the computers due to their disabilities. There is a need of some technology which allows these people to get access of the mouse and keyboard without using hands and eyes. This paper gives us the brief introduction of a technology which is intended to help handicapped in getting access of the basic technologies. This technology uses the head mouse technology by which the real time head movements of the computer user is translated into a directly proportional cursor movement of the computer mouse. This technology also provides an interface for the user to handle the click event of the computer. A handicapped user can access the mouse of the computer without using hands. The other module of this system is the speech recognition technology which allows the computer user to give commands to the system by using the keywords specified in the natural language. A blind user can give speech commands to the computer allowing him to access different applications of the computer. This system also provides a screen reader to the user which can read different documents, internet files, emails of the user.
Keywords: The world population is of physically handicapped and blind people.