
Exploring of Sliding Window Visualization System to Understand Flow and Error Control Mechanism of Data Link Layer
Ayushi Chaudhary
Ms. Ayushi Chaudhary, Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Marathwada Institute of Technology, Bulandshar Uttar Pradesh, India.
Manuscript received on August 14, 2015. | Revised Manuscript received on August 26, 2015. | Manuscript published on September 05, 2015. | PP: 107-111 | Volume-5 Issue-4, September 2015 . | Retrieval Number: D2705095415 /2015©BEIESP
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©The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Abstract: The perspective of this paper is to provide user friendly Visualization System for Sliding Window protocol. The Sliding Window Visualization system (SWV) is designed to understand the flow and error control mechanisms of DLL (data link layer) protocols. The system is interactive and allows the user to modify some parameters of the protocol. In this paper a visualization system has been developed where a user can easily understand the working principle of sliding window protocol and it can be used to compare two algorithms. In the mean time except the visualization of this network protocol also we have sent data packets at the back end. Thus giving an opportunity to the user to understand the mechanism of real time data transfer, where communication is often possible between physically separated machines. The software has major responsibility is to help to visualize newly developed algorithms where a researcher formulates some mathematical model of an algorithm and a developer converts it into a visualization system. This let us to compare two algorithm’s efficiency with respect to some parameter. This paper is designed and developed in such a manner that it provides a vast scope of further development. Number of modules can be added without many modifications in it code for new algorithm and to compare their efficiency with respect to existing algorithms. Since, this visualization system has been designed by taking care of the needs of users, their tasks. This SWV can be used as a teaching tool for a term at the community college level. SWV will be useful in a laboratory or self-study situation after the student has been introduced to DLL protocols. SWV’s strong point is in helping to create mental images of the protocol mechanisms, and in allowing easy and painless experimentation with the supported protocols.
Keywords: Sliding window protocol, Interactive animation, visualization.