
Wavelet Analysis Based Overcurrent Protection for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor
Thati. Venkata M Lakshmi1, M.V.Ramesh2

1Thati. Venkata M Lakshmi, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, J.NT.U.K/P.V.P.S.I.T/Vijayawada/ India.
2M. V. Ramesh, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, J.NT.U.K/P.V.P.S.I.T/Vijayawada/ India.
Manuscript received on August 09, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on August 27, 2013. | Manuscript published on September 05, 2013. | PP: 211-215 | Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013. | Retrieval Number: D1832093413/2013©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to progress the over current protection for Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors (PMBLDCM) operating under the various operating conditions ranging from no-load to full load operation. From operating point of view, an operation where the operating point of motor is continuously changing with time and the motor is never operating at a constant speed throughout its operation is termed as non-stationary. Signal processing algorithms such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) cannot be used in non-stationary signals analysis is essentially complicated. This means that under assumptions of near stationary more sophisticated signal processing techniques are needed. In wavelet analysis, a signal is analyzed at different scales or resolutions. To gaze at the approximate stationary of the signal, a large window is used to and a small window is simultaneously used to look for transients. This multi-resolution or multi-scale view of the signal is the core of wavelet analysis. A single prototype function is used to perform wavelet analysis called a wavelet. As measurement of the instantaneous frequency is a significant feature of the anticipated fault-detection algorithm[1]. The Haar wavelet will be chosen for this application.
Keywords: PMBLDCM, over-currents, wavelets and MATLAB.