
Comparison of LSB Steganography in GIF and BMP Images
Eltyeb E.Abed Elgabar1, Haysam A. Ali Alamin2

1Eltyeb E. Abed Elgabar, Information Technology, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
2Haysam A. Ali Alamin, Information Technology, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Manuscript received on August 05, 2013. | Revised Manuscript received on August 29, 2013. | Manuscript published on September 05, 2013. | PP: 79-83 | Volume-3, Issue-4, September 2013. | Retrieval Number: D1756093413
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Data encryption is not the only safe way to protect data from penetration given the tremendous development in the information age particularly in the field of speed of the processors and the cryptanalysis. In some cases, we need new technologies or methods to protect our secret data. There has emerged a set of new technologies that provides protection with or without data encryption technology such as data hiding. The word steganography literally means ‘covered writing’. It is derived from the Greek words “stegos” meaning “cover”, and “grafia” meaning “writing”. Steganography functions to hide a secret message embedded in media such as text, image, audio and video. There are a lot of algorithms used in the field of information hiding in the media; the simplest and best known technique is Least Significant Bit (LSB). In this paper we have made a comparison and of the (LSB) algorithm using the cover object as an image. From this image, we have chosen two types: Gif and BMP. The comparison and is based on a number of criteria to find out the strengths and weaknesses when using any of the two types. Index Terms—About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
Keywords: About four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.