
An Energy-Efficient, Delay-Aware, Lifetime-Balancing and Data Collection Protocol for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Merina Devi Hemam1, N.V. Uma Reddy2
1Merina Devi Hemam, PG student, M.Tech. (DEC), Department of ECE. AMCEC, Bangalore, India.
2N. V. Uma Reddy, Assoc. Prof., Department of ECE, AMCEC, Bangalore, India.
Manuscript received on April 14, 2015. | Revised Manuscript received on April 28, 2015. | Manuscript published on March 05, 2015. | PP: 113-116 | Volume-5, Issue-2, May 2015. | Retrieval Number: B2609055215/2015©BEIESP
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©The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Abstract: The technique that is used in this paper is to make it more simpler for wireless sensor networks problem .To make the energy more efficient a protocol is used that is called EDAL. It is rebuilt from the existing system called OVR which uses NP-hard algorithm. To make more prominent a centralized heuristic is design to make the computational overhead more smaller and to detect the dead nodes. As it has some limitation distributed heuristic is design which is the best for large scale networks.
Keywords: Power consumption, delay, energy efficient, heuristic algorithm, wireless sensor networks.