
Computational Analysis of Supersonic Combustion Using Wedge-Shaped Strut Injector with Turbulent Non-Premixed Combustion Model
S. Roga1, K. M. Pandey2, A. P. Singh3

1Sukanta Roga, M.Tech.student in Thermal Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.I.T Silchar, Assam, India.
2K.M.Pandey, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,N.I.T Silchar, Assam, India.
3A.P.Singh, Lecturer,Department of Mechanical Engineering, N.I.T Silchar, Assam, India.

Manuscript received on April 11, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on April 14, 2012. | Manuscript published on May 05, 2012. | PP: 344-349 | Volume-2 Issue-2, May 2012 . | Retrieval Number: B0615042212/2012©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: This paper presents the supersonic combustion of hydrogen using wedge-shaped strut injector with two-dimensional turbulent non-premixed combustion model. The present model is based on the standard k-epsilon (two equations) with standard wall functions which is P1 radiation model. In this process, a PDF (Probability Density Function) approach is created and this method needs solution to a high dimensional PDF transport equation. As the combustion of hydrogen fuel is injected from the wedge-shaped strut injector, it is successfully used to model the turbulent reacting flow field. It is observed from the present work that, the maximum temperature occurred in the recirculation areas which is produced due to shock wave-expansion and the fuel jet losses concentration and after passing successively through such areas, temperature decreased slightly along the axis. From the maximum mass fraction of OH, it is observed that there is very little amount of OH around 0.0027 were found out after combustion. By providing wedge-shaped strut injector, expansion wave is created which cause the proper mixing between the fuels and air which results in complete combustion.

Keywords: CFD, combustion, hydrogen fuel, non-premixed combustion, scramjet, standard k-epsilon turbulence model, standard wall functions, steady state, supersonic combustion, two-dimensional, wedge-shaped strut injector.