
Protection Aware User Identity and Data Storage (PAUIDS) Scheme for Management of User Identification in Cloud
R. Rajan1, C. Sunitha Ram2

1R.Rajan*, Ph.D Department of Research Scholar, Information Technology, SCSVMV University, Kanchipuram, Enathur (Tamіl Nadu), India.
2Dr. C. Sunitha Ram, Аssistant Prοfessοr, Department of Cοmputer Scіence & Engіneering, SCSVMV Universіty, Kanchipuram, Enathur (Tamіl Nadu), India.
Manuscript received on August 03, 2021. | Revised Manuscript received on September 26, 2021. | Manuscript published on September 30, 2021. | PP: 51-56 | Volume-11, Issue-1, September 2021. | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijsce.A35260911121 | DOI: 10.35940/ijsce.A3526.0911121
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Abstract: Cloud computing the technology which have the capability of modifying the method computing strongly, and storage resources will be accessed shortly. User Identification is an entity to detect the user who using the system or website. In information technology the protection of information consistently become a major issue to handle. The data might place in various locations in the world since it become particularly serious. The two main factors regarding cloud technology are information protection and security. The cloud operators can easily reach the sensitive information that affects the data security and protection measures. Therefore, this research protocol mainly focuses on secure data storage that always been a significant feature of quality of service. To guarantee the ‘rightness of users’ information in cloud storage system a Protection Aware User Identity and Data Storage (PAUIDS) algorithm is proposed that separates the document and independently stores the user information in the cloud storage servers. The proposed algorithm reduces the encryption and decryption time in a cloud storage system and providing secure and efficient data storage in cloud environments.
Keywords: Data sharing, User Identity, Identity and Access Management, Data Storage, Cloud computing.