
Advertise with Social Discourse, as a Brand Positioning Technique: Review of Reseach with Special Reference to the Latvian Media
Aivars Helde
Aivars Helde, Mg., Art, lecturer, RISEBA University, Rīga, Latvia.
Manuscript received on April 29, 2015. | Revised Manuscript received on April 29, 2015. | Manuscript published on March 05, 2015. | PP: 48-52 | Volume-5, Issue-2, May 2015. | Retrieval Number: A2527035115/2015©BEIESP
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©The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Abstract: This study examines the nature of the social discourse of advertising used as a brend positioning discourse. The focus is on consumer advertising, which is directed towards the promotion of some product or service to the general public. The study, however, is not meant to exhaust all the aspects of this particular discourse, or present an answer to all the problems it poses. This paper aimed at analyzing some different comercial advertisements (product/non-product ads) to investigate the intentions and techniques of consumer product companies to reach more consumers and sell more products. Norman Fairclough‟s 3-D model and Kress and van Leeuwen‟s grammar of visual design were used to analyze the data for professionals, but we are pointed on using stereotypes.Tradicionally,stereotypes are defined as patterns or shemes via which peopleorganise their behaviors and activities.Psychologists have been extremely interested in the persuasion techniques used by advertisers. The implicite question that most of such studies have entertained is whether advertising has becom aforce molding cultural mores and individual behaviors,or whether it constitutes no more than a”mirror”of deeper cultural tendencies within urbanaized contemporary society.The one thing which evryone agrees is that advertising has become one of the most recognizable and appealing forms of aocial communication to which evryone in sociecty is exposed. However, it could be understood from the results that the producers, generally tend to use their power and ideology to change people’s behaviour and thought. Some time more efficiently is used” old” stereotypes and do not try to going to change people’s behaviuor but do conversaly use their power to preserve previous behaviour try to reinforces this behaviour,shown this like some tradicional value what confirmed customers identity. When we consider gender stereotypes we look at notinos about the supposedly traditional behaviours of men and women and the characteristics and standardsof this behaviours,as grounded in our culture and society. This idea allows to producers make customer feel belonging to this society and psychologically be involved into story what is shown by advertisers. Culture covershuman values,action patterns,ideas,and material and artificial surraunding which enable interaction among people.The content of culturedetermines the particular qualities of certain groups of people,and it also determines their consumer characteristics.That is why it is essential to understand the way in witch culture reaches individuals.In today’s information area,the media are the primary means for the transmission and reproduction of cultural information.They shape the image of culture in people’s consciousness. In addition this study provides analyses of some ads, using different ways of interpretations. All materials are taken from Latvian media.
Keywords: Social discourse analysis, stereotypes brend , customer behaviour, print advertisement, Image, Fairclough-3D, Krees and van Leeuwen’s grammer, Gestalt psychology,culture.