
Modified Energy Efficient Backup Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm using Residual Energy for Wireless Sensor Network
Rajesh. P1, Priya. S2, Priyanka. R3

1Rajesh. P, Information Technology, Anna University-Chennai, India.
2Priya. S, Information Technology, Anna University-Chennai, India.
3Priyanka. R , Information Technology, Anna University-Chennai , India.

Manuscript received on April 15, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on April 20, 2012. | Manuscript published on May 05, 2012. | PP: 1-5 | Volume-2 Issue-2, May 2012 . | Retrieval Number: A0486032212/2012©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Clustering is a fundamental performance improvement technique in wireless sensor networks, which can increase network scalability, lifetime and power level. In this paper, we integrate the multi-hop technique with a backup-based clustering algorithm using the residual energy to organize sensors. By using an adaptive backup strategy as well as the residual energy, the algorithm not only realizes load balance among sensor node, but also achieves dynamic cluster head distribution across the network in a timeout manner. Simulation results also demonstrate our algorithm is more energy-efficient compared to other algorithms. Our algorithm is also easily extended to avoid the formation of forced cluster heads, thereby it achieves better network management, energy-efficiency and scalability.

Keywords: Bynamic cluster, forced cluster head, load balance, residual energy.