
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Natural Forest Cover Change Utilizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing Technologies: A Case Study
Tariku Kebede Tofu1, Adamu Dessalegn2, Aster Chalicisa3

1Tariku Kebede Tofu, Department of Geometics Engineering, Wachamo University, Wachamo (Ethiopia), East Africa.

2Adamu Dessalegn Tadesse, Department of Geometics Engineering, Wachamo University, Wachamo, (Ethiopia), East Africa.

3Aster Chalicisa, Department of Geodesy and Geodynamics, Space Science and Geospatial Institute, (Ethiopia), East Africa.  

Manuscript received on 29 November 2024 | First Revised Manuscript received on 12 December 2024 | Second Revised Manuscript received on 20 Ferbuary 2025 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 March 2025 | Manuscript published on 30 March 2025 | PP: 10-15 | Volume-15 Issue-1, March 2025 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijsce.F365014060125 | DOI: 10.35940/ijsce.F3650.15010325

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Abstract: Ethiopia’s natural forest cover is declining at an alarming rate due to population-growth-induced factors, other human-caused activities, and natural factors. This study aimed at the evaluation of spatiotemporal natural forest change dynamics by using change analysis. For the study (2000 ETM, 2010 ETM, and 2020 OLI-TIRS Landsat images were used) for change detections. Thus, the study result revealed that the major land use types were natural forests by 2000, but by now (2020), most of the natural forest areas are replaced by other land use classes. Thus, 233.76 ha of natural forest were cleared yearly for the last 20 years, mostly converted to farmland and settlement areas. Forest in the study is a source of energy (fuel wood and charcoal productions), substantial economic importance (timber and other construction material productions), and a source of food and domestic and wildlife habitat. Quantification of land use change detection shows us farmland, human settlement, and plantation areas are showing an increasing trend throughout the study period while natural forests are decreasing trend by 12% during 2000- 2010 and by 14 % from 2010-2020. The main causes of natural forest degradation are the high demand for farmland, housing, and energy mainly due to population growth, shortage of clean energy provision, and low level of awareness. Natural forests will have high economic, ecological, genetic, and medicinal value. Thus, protecting and conserving natural forests is crucial for the study area.  

Keywords: Geospatial technologies; land use dynamics; Mari Mansa district; Natural Forest.
Scope of the Article: Image Processing and Recognition