
Application of Factor Analysis for the Study of Physicochemical Properties in Different Blends of Diesel Fuel with Biodiesel
Tsanaktsidis C.G.1, Vasiliadis V.2, Itziou A.3, Petrakis L.A.4, Moisiadis S.A.5 
1Tsanaktsidis C.G., Department of Pollution Control and Technologies, Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia, Koila, Kozani 50100, Greece.
2Vasiliadis V., Department of Pollution Control and Technologies, Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia, Koila, Kozani 50100, Greece.
3Itziou A., Department of Pollution Control and Technologies, Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia, Koila, Kozani 50100, Greece.
4Petrakis L.A., Department of Pollution Control and Technologies, Technological Education Institute of Western Macedonia, Koila, Kozani 50100, Greece.
5Moisiadis S.A., Seton Hall University, New Jersey, USA.
Manuscript received on December 08, 2014. | Revised Manuscript received on December 15, 2014. | Manuscript published on January 05, 2014. | PP:42-46| Volume-3 Issue-6, January 2014. | Retrieval Number: F1973013614/2014©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: The present study focused on the investigation of an alternative energy resource, biodiesel. In order to check the appropriateness of biodiesel, its physicochemical properties were analyzed. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the differentiations in the physicochemical properties of several blends of diesel/biodiesel. Thus, the results were integrated through the factorial analysis, and a unit circle was designed in order to study the correlations among the properties (variables) tested. The results of the current study indicated significant correlations among the properties tested. The results of this study can be useful in developing new educational products, with a view to understanding of mathematical concepts through everyday activities such as the use of fuel.
Keywords: Factor analysis, diesel, biodiesel, physicochemical properties.