
Apprehension Overruled on Data Classification Based on Mental Stress Vectoring
P. Indhumathi1, K. Rajeswari2

1P.Indhumathi*, Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of Computer Science, Tirppur Kumaran College for Women, Tirppur, Tamil Nadu, India
2K.Rajeswari, Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Computer Science, Tirppur Kumaran College for Women, Tirppur, Tamil Nadu, India

Manuscript received on September 02, 2019. | Revised Manuscript received on September 05, 2019. | Manuscript published on September 30, 2019. | PP: 20-22 | Volume-9 Issue-3, September 2019. | Retrieval Number: C3278099319/19©BEIESP | DOI: 10.35940/ijsce.C3278.099319
Open Access | Ethics and Policies | Cite | Mendeley
© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: Data classification towards mining implies to find many factors to endure and sustain the real factors on the research problem. Many dangerous problematic issues are studied over them which are rolled out on the human life in their day-to-day activities especially for working employers in various sectors, for old people hearing suddenly unexpected news and which cause mental stress to them. The deep study of knowledge is involved to stabilize the importance to protect, prevent and predict the stress issues in detailed design manner. The main focusable approach to analysis the concern regarding manifold factors like age, type of diseases factorized highly with the cause and consequences to cure them by applying new research methods.
Keywords: Data Classification, Data Cataloging, Mental stress, Research methods