
Design of Compact Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) by Loading Slits and Slots
Dhiman Biswas1, Nilesh Mukherjee2, Partha Pratim Sarkar3

1Dhiman Biswas, M.Tech, Department of Communication Engineering, Engineering and Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, Kalyani (West Bengal). India.
2Nilesh Mukherjee, M.Tech, Department of Communication Engineering, Engineering and Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, Kalyani (West Bengal). India.
3Dr. P. P. Sarkar, Senior Scientific Officer, Department of Engineering & Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, Kalyani (West Bengal). India.

Manuscript received on May 12, 2016. | Revised Manuscript received on May 18, 2016. | Manuscript published on July 05, 2016. | PP: 23-25 | Volume-6 Issue-3, July 2016. | Retrieval Number: C2858076316
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Abstract: This paper deals with the theoretical investigation on a reduced sized Frequency Selective Surface (FSS). The FSS is designed by loading slit and slot into square patch. It has been observed, how the variation of the dimension of the slot and slit results in shifting of resonant frequency . Compared to conventional square patch FSS the designed FSS can provide reduction in resonant frequency resulting in size reduction up to 87% corresponding to resonant frequency of 2.44 GHz..Theoretical investigations have been done by Ansoft Designer® software.
Keywords: Frequency Selective Surface, Size Reduction, slot. slit