
Comparison of Bow shape Microstrip Antenna and Rectangular patch Microstrip Antenna
Manoj Kr. Dahiya1, Ritu Goel2, Sandeep Kumar3, VikasKaushik4

1Manoj Kr. Dahiya, Deptt. Of Elect.& Comm., Hindu College of Engg., Sonipat, India.
2Ritu Goel, Deptt. Of Elect.& Comm., Hindu College of Engg., Sonipat, India.
3Sandeep Kumar, Deptt. Of Elect.& Comm., Hindu College of Engg., Sonipat, India,. Vikas Kaushik, Deptt. Of Elect.& Comm., SonipatInstt. Of Engg. & Mgmt.

Manuscript received on July 01, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on July 04, 2012. | Manuscript published on July 05, 2012. | PP: 499-501 | Volume-2, Issue-3, July 2012. | Retrieval Number: C0830062312 /2012©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: In recent era, the use of wireless communication system increasing rapidly. Now a day’s, there is demand of small size wireless system which requires development of small size microstrip antenna. Microstrip antenna has wide range of application in wireless communication system due to their low profile, small size, low weight and low cost. Microstrip antenna is also is used in low power transmitting and receiving application as it has capability of low power handling. Microstrip antenna can be operated over a wide range of frequency but mostly, it is operated at resonant frequency of 3GHz. At 3GHz resonant frequency, losses (return loss & tangent loss) are very low and VSWR <2. In this paper, bow shape & rectangular shape microstrip antenna of same size (Length, Height, Width) with dielectric Bismuth niobato substrate (BiNbO4) of Ɛr=47.8 is designed and resonant frequency is calculated.

Keywords: (BiNbO4) of Ɛr=47.8 is designed and resonant frequency is calculated.