
A Research Study on importance of Testing and Quality Assurance in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models
Maneela Tuteja1, Gaurav Dubey2

1Maneela Tuteja, Department of Information TechnologyDronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon, Haryana,.
2Gaurav Dubey, Amity School of Computer Sciences, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh,India.,

Manuscript received on July 01, 2012. | Revised Manuscript received on July 04, 2012. | Manuscript published on July 05, 2012. | PP: 251-257 | Volume-2, Issue-3, July 2012. | Retrieval Number: C0761062312 /2012©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: In recent years, software testing is becoming more popular and important in the software development industry. Indeed, software testing is a broad term encircling a variety of activities along the development cycle and beyond, aimed at different goals. Hence, software testing research faces a collection of challenges. A consistent roadmap of most relevant challenges is proposed here. In it, the starting point is constituted by some important past achievements, while the destination consists of two major identified goals to which research ultimately leads, but which remains as reachable as goals. The routes from the achievements to the goals are paved by outstanding research challenges, which are discussed in the paper along with the ongoing work. Software testing is as old as the hills in the history of digital computers. The testing of software is an important means of assessing the software to determine its quality. Since testing typically consumes 40~50% of development efforts, and consumes more effort for systems that require higher levels of reliability, it is a significant part of the software engineering Software testing is a very broad area, which involves many other technical and non-technical areas, such as specification, design and implementation, maintenance, process and management issues in software engineering. Our study focuses on the state of the art in testing techniques, as well as the latest techniques which representing the future direction of this area. Today, testing is the most challenging and dominating activity used by industry, therefore, improvement in its effectiveness, both with respect to the time and resources, is taken as a major factor by many researchers The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification, and validation or reliability estimation. It is a tradeoff between budget, time and quality. Software Quality is the central concern of software engineering. Testing is the single most widely used approach to ensuring software quality.

Keywords: SDLC, Software quality, Testing techniq Technique .)