
Performance Analysis of CSTR using Adaptive Control
Neha Khanduja1, Simmi Sharma2
1Ms. Neha Khanduja, Electrical & Electronics Enginneering Deparment, Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, Delhi, India.
2Ms. Simmi Sharma, Electrical & Electronics Enginneering Department ,Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, Delhi ,India.
Manuscript received on April 26, 2014. | Revised Manuscript received on May 03, 2014. | Manuscript published on May 05, 2014. | PP: 80-84 | Volume-4 Issue-2, May 2014. | Retrieval Number: B2206054214/2014©BEIESP
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©The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Abstract: In industry nowadays the control of chemical process is important task. Mostly all the chemical processes are highly nonlinear in nature and this causes instability of process. This paper presents the performance evaluation on the application of model reference adaptive control with various types of command inputs in a process plant. In the design of model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme, adaption law have been developed based on MIT and Lyapunov rule. This paper deals with basic simulation studies of the Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). The mathematical model is developed from material balances. Numerical mathematics is used for steady-state analysis and dynamic analysis which is usually represented by a set of differential equations.A simulation is carried out using Mat Lab and Simulink to control the process system using the adaptive control algorithm. It is also concluded that the adaptive controller will be superior to the conventional controller even without parameters change in the process. In a real world situation, these parameters could be estimated by using simulations or real execution of the system. It may be possible to improve the performance of the adaptive controller by further modifying the adaptation law or by incorporating parameter identification into the control.
Keywords: Process control – CSTR ; Adaptive controller; MIT rule, Lyapunov Rule.