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Volume-6 Issue-6, January 2017, ISSN: 2231-2307 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd.
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Prajakta G. Kulkarni, Rubeena A. Khan
Paper Title:
Parallel Mining of Frequent Item sets using Map Reduce Technique: A Survey
Abstract: In the task of data mining, the most important job is to find out frequent itemsets. Frequent itemsets are useful in various applications like Association rules and correlations. These systems are using some algorithms to find out frequent itemsets. But these parallel mining algorithms lack some features like automatic parallelization, well balancing the load, distribution of data on large number of clusters. So there is a need to study the parallel algorithms which will overcome the disadvantages of the existing system. In this paper a technique called fidoop is implemented, In this technique the mappers work independently as well as concurrently. This is done by decomposing the data across the mappers. Reducers work is to combine these jobs by developing small ultra metric trees. To show this fidoop technique on the various clusters is very delicate in distribution of data because different datasets are with different partition of data. This fidoop technique is also useful in heterogeneous clusters[16].
Keywords: Frequent item sets, mappers, reducers, Ultrametric trees, FiDoop.
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Abulameer Khalaf Hussain, Muthnna Abdulwahid Khudhair
Paper Title:
A New Security Level Oriented Multisignature Scheme
Abstract: This paper presents a new multisignature scheme. The idea behind this scheme is that all authenticated users in the system are classified according to their security levels . Each level has its own trusted group manager. To generate the signature, the proposed system selects one of these levels .Each level consists of a group of users . Each user has its own private and public keys. In addition, this scheme implements the cascade encryption for the generated signature, and thus it is necessary to perform the cascade encryption to use a global private key for each level. The system also assigns trustworthiness score for each user to select the proper one to sign on the behalf of his/her group in that level. Finally, the generated multisignure is proved to be more secure and thus it can be used in sensitive applications.
Keywords: Digital Signature, multisignature system, Security Levels, Multi-level proxy signature.
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Neelesh Chourasiya, Nirmiti Pawar, Kiran Patil, Swapnali Tiwari, Snehal Mangale
Paper Title:
Security in Cloud Storage using Data Shuffling and Data Self Destruction
Abstract: Cloud computing is the most popular technology today. It is used by most of the social media sites to store the data. In cloud storage, the data uploaded by the user is prone to various strong attacks and can be easily hacked. Data stored in a cloud by the user is private so it must not be tampered by any other entities. We propose a system to enhance the security. The data uploaded by the user is shuffled between a numbers of directories within cloud after a particular interval of time to avoid tracking of data. The backup of the data will be taken timely into the backup directory. The proposed system enhances the system security as well as the ease to use the cloud using
Keywords: Cloud storage, data shuffling, data de-duplication, self-destruction, encryption algorithms.
1. X. Fu, Z. Wang, H. Wu, J. qi Yang, and Z. zhao Wang, “How to send a self-destructing email: A method of self-destructing email system,” in Prof. of the IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 2014, pp.304–309.
2. R. Lu, H. Zhu, X. Liu, J. Liu, and J. Shao, “Toward efficient and privacy preserving computing in big data era,” IEEE Network, vol. 28, no. 4,pp. 46–50.
3. M. Arafati, G. G. Dagher, B. C. M. Fung, and P. C. K. Hung, “Dmash: A framework for privacy-preserving data-as-a-service mashups,” in Proc. of the 8th IEEE
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5. Lingfang Zeng , Yang Wang , and Dan Feng , “CloudSky: A Controllable Data Self-Destruction System for Untrusted Cloud Storage Networks” ,School of Computer, Huazhong University of Science and Technology ,IBM Center for Advanced Studies (CAS Atlantic) University of New Brunswick

Sabah Shehd Abdulabas
Paper Title:
Apparent Thermal Conductivity Digital Meter In Trains as an Energy – Conserving Measure
Abstract: Energy conserving measure is one of important factors that must be measured in constructions of building, an energy conserving measure leads to the practical thickness of the proper used insolent, the function of both the temperatures of the bounding surfaces and the thickness of the air layer are considered the apparent thermal conductivity of the air layer due to the combined modes of conduction and radiation which increases with the thickness. This paper introduces the design and implementation of an electronic digital meter suitable for the measurement of the apparent thermal conductivity and has been tested in eight departments of institute of technology/ Baghdad in four labs.
Keywords: Energy, constructions, implementation, temperatures.
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Kirandeep, Harish Kundra
Paper Title:
Ancient Degraded Document/Image Restoration using Hybrid Intelligent Water Droplets Algorithm and Sauvola Thresholding Technique
Abstract: A historical document that have been affected by degradation and that are of poor image quality is difficult and continues to be a focus of research in the field of image processing. So, there is the need of image restoration techniques that can improve the visibility for the human eye to directly read these documents. Document image restoration aims to improve the document image quality by reducing the noise level, which not only enhance human perception, but also facilitate the subsequent automated image processing. In this research work, we are using hybrid approach of swarm intelligence based Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm (IWD) and Sauvola Binarisation method. IWD is a nature inspired optimization algorithm that work as per the moving water droplets with soil particle obstacles in their path. Sauvola’s algorithm is an improvement of Niblack’s method which is based on the local mean and standard deviation of the image. Sauvola’s approach computes the threshold value by using the dynamic range of gray-value standard deviation. The obtained results are compared with the Sauvola, Niblack, Wolf, M1-S, M2-N, M3-W algorithms. The results are also evaluated in parametric form with PSNR and F-Measure values.
Keywords: Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm, Niblack Method, Sauvola Method, Image Enhancement, Ancient Documents.
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Divya C. Patil, Pravin S. Patil
Paper Title:
Abandoned Object Detection with Region of Interest
Abstract: Abandoned object detection is an essential requirement in many video surveillance contexts. In this paper, we propose a method to detect abandoned object from surveillance video. Different from conventional approaches that mostly rely on pixel-level processing, we perform region-level analysis in both background maintenance and static foreground object detection. In background maintenance, region-level information is fed back to adaptively control the learning rate. In static foreground object detection, region-level analysis double-checks the validity of candidate abandoned blobs. Different from conventional approaches that mostly rely on pixel-level processing, we perform region-level analysis. In this paper, we present an abandoned object detection system based on blob detection methods are aimed at detecting regions. In a digital image that differs in properties, such as brightness or color, compared to surrounding regions. Informally, a blob is a region of an image in which some properties are constant or approximately constant. All the points in a blob can be considered in some sense to be similar to each other. In this paper we are performing a real time application using the Raspberry Pi processor and a Raspberry Pi camera.
Keywords: Abandoned object, Video surveillance, Framing, Image, Pixels.
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