Author Archive for: IJSCE
About IJSCE Journal
The International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) has ISSN: 2231-2307 (online), an open-access, peer-reviewed, periodical bi-monthly international journal. This journal is published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP) in January, March, May, July, September and November.The journal aims to publish high-quality peer–reviewed original articles in the area of Soft Computing and Engineering that covers Data Communication and Networking, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking, Image Processing and Recognition, Software Engineering and Project Management (SEPM), Computer Graphics and Multimedia (CGM), Data Mining, Cryptography and Network Security, Smart Computing and Information Processing, Internet of Things (IoT), Computation Intelligence and Analytics, Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Mining (KM), Operating System, Data Base Management System (DBMS), Data Structure and Algorithm (DSA), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), and all interdisciplinary streams of Soft Computing and Engineering. #Addressing, Routing, Switching and Location Management #Broadband, Mobile, Wired, Wireless Internet #Networks: Adhoc and Sensor Networks, High Speed Networks, Mobile and #Wireless Networks #Network Architectures #Network Based Applications #Network Protocols #Network Operations & Management #Network Security Trust & Privacy #Cross Layer Design and Optimization #Internet and Web Applications #Network Measurement & Performance Analysis #Next Generation Internet & Web Architectures #Peer to Peer and Overlay Networks #QOS And Resource Management #Recent Trends & Developments in Computer Networks #Self-Organizing Networks and Networked Systems #Ubiquitous Networks #Virtual & Overlay Networks #Wireless Mesh Networks and Protocols #Wireless Multimedia Systems #Personal and Wearable Networks #Information-Centric Networking #Embedded Networks #Opportunistic Networking #Delay-Tolerant Networks #Cognitive Radio Networks #Vehicular Networks #Smart Grid Communications #Underwater Sensor Networks #Cyber-Physical Systems #Social Networks #Green Networking #Overlay and Peer-To-Peer Networks #Local-Area and Metropolitan-Area Networks #Storage-Area Networks #Routing and Transport Protocols #Big Data Networking #Cloud Computing and Networking #Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization #Internet of Things #Link Technologies #Adaptive Networking Applications #Authentication, Authorization, Accounting #Security and Privacy #Cross-Layer Optimization #Multimedia and Real-Time Communication #Machine-To-Machine Communications for Smart Environments #Smart Cities #Network Traffic Characterization and Measurements #Network Management, Reliability and QoS #Performance Evaluation of Networks #Testbeds for Network Experiments #Network Coding #Optical and High-Speed Access Networks #High Performance Computing #Digital System and Logic Design #Networked-Driven Multicourse Chips #Information-Centric Networking #Opportunistic Networking #Mobile and Ubiquitous Networking #Big Data Networking #Cloud Computing and Networking #Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization #Adaptive Networking Applications #Antenna and Communications Devices #Microstrip Antenna #Microwave #Radar and Satellite #Smart Antenna #MIMO Antenna #Wireless Communication #RFID Network and Applications #5G Communication #6G Communication #Neural Networks #Fuzzy Logic #Simulated Biological Evolution Algorithms (Like Genetic Algorithm) #Ant Colony Optimization(etc) #Reasoning and Evolution #Intelligence Applications #Computer Vision and Speech Understanding #Multimedia and Cognitive Informatics #Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools #Heuristic and Ai Planning Strategies and Tools #Computational Theories of Learning #Technology and Computing (Like Particle Swarm Optimization) #Intelligent System Architectures #Knowledge Representation #Bioinformatics #Natural Language Processing #Multiagent Systems #Supervised Learning #Unsupervised Learning #Deep Learning #Big Data and Ai Approaches #Reinforcement Learning #And Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks #Regression and Prediction #Problem Solving and Planning #Clustering #Classification #Neural Information Processing #Vision and Speech Perception #Heterogeneous and Streaming Data #Probabilistic Models and Methods #Reasoning and Inference #Marketing and Social Sciences #Knowledge Discovery #Web Mining #Information Retrieval #Design and Diagnosis #Game Playing #Streaming Data #Music Modelling and Analysis #Robotics and Control #Multi-Agent Systems #Active Vision and Robotic Systems #Architecture of Imaging and Vision Systems #Autonomous Vehicles #Character and Handwritten Text Recognition #Chemical and Spectral Sensitization #Chemistry of Photosensitive Materials #Coating Technologies #Coding and Transmission #Cognitive Aspects of Image Understanding #Color Imaging #Communication of Visual Data #Data Fusion from Multiple Sensor Inputs #Display and Printing #Document Image Understanding # Generation and Display #Holography #Image Analysis and Interpretation #Image Capturing #Image Databases #Image Generation #Image Manipulation #Image Permanence #Image Processing #Image Processing Applications #Image Processing: Coding Analysis and Recognition #Image Representation #Image Sensing #Imaging Systems and Image Scanning #Implementation and Architectures #Latent Image #Materials for Electro-Photography #Monitoring and Surveillance #Network Architecture for Real-Time Video Transport #New Visual Services Over ATM/Packet Network #Non-Impact Printing Technologies #Object Modeling and Knowledge Acquisition #Photoconductors #Photographic Emulsions #Photopolymers #Prepress and Printing Technologies #Processing and Analysis #Protocols for Packet Video #Remote Image Sensing #Retrieval and Multimedia #Scene Modeling #Signal-Processing Aspects of Image Processing #Storage and Transmission #Video Coding Algorithms and Technologies for ATM/P #Ethics of Software Engineering and Management #Software Life Cycles Development Models #Project Planning and Management #Software Requirements Analysis #Software Design Analysis #Software Testing and Integration #Software Implementation and Maintenance #Software Maintenance and Maintainability #Software Metrics or Attributes #Software Risk Assessment and Containment #Reliability #Software Quality and Quality Assurance #Software Cost Estimation #Object Oriented Developments #Object Oriented Metrics #Object Oriented Testing #Formal Notations #3D Reconstruction #Computer Animation #Computational Fabrication #Computational Geometry #Computational Photography #Computer Vision for Computer Graphics #Data Compression for Graphics #Geometric Modelling #Geometric Processing #HCI and Computer Graphics #Human Modelling #Image Analysis #Image Based Rendering #Image Processing #Machine Learning for Graphics #Medical Imaging #Pattern Recognition #Physically Based Modelling #Illumination and Rendering ethods #Robotics and Vision #Saliency Methods #Scientific Visualization #Shape and Surface Modelling #Shape Analysis and Image Retrieval #Shape Matching #Sketch-based Modelling #Solid Modelling #Stylized rendering #Textures #Virtual and Augmented Reality #Visual Analytics #Volume Rendering #Data Mining #Data Science #Big Data #Data Warehouse #Visualization #Security #Privacy #Big DaaS #Scalable Computing #Cloud Computing #Knowledge Discovery #Integration #Transformation #Information Retrieval #Social Data and Semantics #Mining Functions #Data Regression #Data Classification #Anomaly Detection #Data Clustering #Data Association #Data Regression #Data Cleaning #Feature Selection and Extraction #Data Mining Algorithms #Apriori #Decision Tree #Generalized Linear Models #K-Means #Minimum Description Length #Naive Bayes #Non-Negative Matrix Factorization #0-Cluster #Support Vector Machines #Data Preparation #Mining Unstructured Data #Artificial Intelligence #Future Directions and Challenges in Data Mining #Industrial Challenges in Data Mining #Cryptographic Protocols #Cryptography and Coding #Untrace-Ability #Privacy and Authentication #Key Management #Authentication #Trust Management #Quantum Cryptography #Computational Intelligence in Security #Artificial Immune Systems #Biological & Evolutionary Computation #Intelligent Agents and Systems #Reinforcement & Unsupervised Learning #Autonomy-Oriented Computing #Coevolutionary Algorithms #Fuzzy Systems #Biometric Security #Trust Models and Metrics #Regulation and Trust Mechanisms #Data Integrity #Models for Authentication #Trust and Authorization #Wireless Network Security #Information Hiding #Data & System Integrity #Access Control and Intrusion Detection #Intrusion Detection and Vulnerability Assessment #Authentication and Non-Repudiation #Identification and Authentication #Insider Threats and Countermeasures #Intrusion Detection & Prevention #Secure Cloud Computing #Security Information Systems Architecture and Design and Security Patterns #Security Management #Security Requirements (Threats, Vulnerabilities, Risk, Formal Methods, etc.) #Sensor and Mobile ad hoc Network Security #Service and Systems Design and QOS Network Security #System Security #Intrusion Detection #Secure end Systems #Secure Operating Systems #Data Base Security #Security Infrastructures #Security Evaluation #Software Security #Security and Privacy in Mobile Systems#Security and Privacy in Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing #Security and Privacy in Web Services #Security and Privacy Policies #Security Area Control #Security Deployment #Security Engineering #Security for Grid Computing #Security in Distributed Systems #Network Security #Internet Security #Firewalls #Mobile Security #Security Agents #Protocols #Anti-Virus and Anti-Hacker Measures #Content Protection #Software Protection #Tamper Resistant Software #Electronic Commerce #Electronic Government #Health #Telecommunications #Mobility #Foundations #Privacy #Access Control #Authentication #Identification #Applied Cryptography #Formal Methods in Information Security #IoT & IoE & Edge Computing #Distributed Mobile Applications Utilizing IoT #Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT & IoE #Standards for IoT Applications #Ubiquitous Computing #Blockchain-enabled IoT Device and Data Security and Privacy #Application of WSN in IoT #Cloud Resources Utilization in IoT #Wireless Access Technologies for IoT #Mobile Applications and Services for IoT #Machine/ Deep Learning with IoT & IoE #Smart Sensors and Internet of Things for Smart City #Logic, Functional programming and Microcontrollers for IoT #Sensor Networks, Actuators for Internet of Things #Data Visualization using IoT #IoT Application and Communication Protocol #Big Data Analytics for Social Networking using IoT #IoT Applications for Smart Cities #Emulation and Simulation Methodologies for IoT #IoT Applied for Digital Contents #Soft Computing #Advance Ubiquitous Computing #Parallel Computing #Distributed Computing #Machine Learning #Information Retrieval #Expert Systems #Data Mining #Text Mining #Data Warehousing #Predictive Analysis #Data Management #Big Data Analytics #Big Data Security #Nature Inspired Computing #Reconfigurable Computing #Cloud, Cluster, Grid and P2P Computing #Biomedical Computing #Green Computing #Mobile Computing #Nano Ubiquitous Computing #Context Awareness and Personalization, Autonomic and Trusted Computing #Internet Computing #Sequential, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms and Data Structures #Approximation and Randomized Algorithms #Graph Algorithms And Graph Drawing #On-Line and Streaming Algorithms #Analysis of Algorithms and Computational Complexity #Algorithm Engineering #Web Algorithms #Exact And Parameterized Computation #Algorithmic Game Theory #Computational Biology #Foundations of Communication Networks #Computational Geometry #Discrete Optimization #Software Engineering Methodologies #Agent-based Software Engineering #Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Software Engineering #Component-based Software Engineering #Embedded and Ubiquitous Software Engineering #Aspect-based Software Engineering #Empirical Software Engineering #Search-Based Software Engineering #Automated Software Design and Synthesis #Computer-Supported Cooperative Work #Automated Software Specification #Reverse Engineering #Software Engineering Techniques and Production Perspectives #Requirements Engineering #Software Analysis, Design and Modelling #Software Maintenance and Evolution #Software Engineering Tools and Environments #Software Engineering Decision Support #Software Design Patterns #Software Product Lines #Process and Workflow Management #Reflection and Metadata Approaches #Program Understanding and System Maintenance #Software Domain Modelling and Analysis #Software Economics #Multimedia and Hypermedia Software Engineering #Software Engineering Case Study and Experience Reports #Enterprise Software, Middleware, and Tools #Artificial Intelligent Methods, Models, Techniques #Artificial Life and Societies #Swarm Intelligence #Smart Spaces #Autonomic Computing and Agent-Based Systems #Autonomic Computing #Adaptive Systems #Agent Architectures, Ontologies, Languages and Protocols #Multi-Agent Systems #Agent-Based Learning and Knowledge Discovery #Interface Agents #Agent-Based Auctions and Marketplaces #Secure Mobile and Multi-Agent Systems #Mobile agents #SOA and Service-Oriented Systems #Service-Centric Software Engineering #Service Oriented Requirements Engineering #Service Oriented Architectures #Middleware for Service Based Systems #Service Discovery and Composition #Service Level Agreements (Drafting, Negotiation, Monitoring and Management) #Runtime Service Management #Semantic web #Data Modelling, Mining and Data Analytics #Aggregation, Integration, and Transformation #Web and Text Mining #Data Mining Methods, Techniques, and Tools #Data Analytics Modelling and Algorithms #Patterns and Frameworks #Data Visualization #Knowledge Systems and Engineering #Knowledge Acquisition #Knowledge-based and Expert Systems #Knowledge Representation and Retrievals #Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques #Time and Knowledge Management Tools #Knowledge Modelling, Integration, Transformation, and Management #Uncertainty Knowledge Management #Knowledge Visualization #Mobile Computing and Mobile System Engineering #Mobile App Design and Development #Innovative Mobile Applications #Pervasive Computing #Mobile System Validation and Test Automation #Software & System Quality of Service #Soft Computing #Software and System Testing Methods #Quality Assurance Process, Standards, and Systems #Software Safety Systems #Software Test Automation and Tools #Software Dependability, Reliability, Scalability #Software & System Security #Software and System Security and Privacy #Mobile App Security and Privacy #Encryption Methods and Tools #Security Service Systems #Cloud, Sensor Cloud and Mobile Cloud Security #Mobile System Integrity, Security, And Fault Tolerance #Emergent Topics #Cloud Computing and Innovative Cloud-Based Application Systems #Mobile Cloud Computing and Application Services #Big Data Analytics Application Systems #Innovative Sensing Cloud and Systems #Large-Scale Cyber Systems #IoT and Smart City Application Systems #Big Data Quality Validation #Big Data Application Quality Services #Smart Learning and Innovative Education Systems #Learning Software Design Engineering #Smart Learning Methods and Environments #Online Learning Systems #Mobile Enabled Learning Systems and Tools #PhD Academic #Scopus #SCI #LatticeScience #Springer, #ScienceDirect #IEEE #Mendeley #Research #Scholarship #UGC #SSRN #ESCI #Science #Journal #Conference #SSRN #PubLons #PhD #Academic #Scopus #SCI #LatticeScience #Springer, #ScienceDirect #IEEE #Mendeley #Research #Scholarship #UGC #SSRN #LatticeScience #ESCI #Science #Journal #Conference #SSRN #PubLon
Entries by IJSCE Journal
Issue-6, January 2017
Volume-6 Issue-6: Published on January, 2017 Download Abstract Book S. No Volume-6 Issue-6, January 2017, ISSN: 2231-2307 (Online) Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Pvt. Ltd. Page No. 1. Authors: Prajakta G. Kulkarni, Rubeena A. Khan Paper Title: Parallel Mining of Frequent Item sets using Map Reduce Technique: A Survey Abstract: In […]
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