Design and Implementation of Interactive Visualisation Configuration using Interaction Paradigms in Virtual Reality Environment
Tomas Skripcak1, Pavol Tanuska2, Nils Schmeisser3 

1Tomas Skripcak, Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovakia.
2Pavol Tanuska, Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovakia.
3Nils Schmeisser, Department of Information Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany.
Manuscript received on October 01, 2011. | Revised Manuscript received on October 17, 2011. | Manuscript published on November 05, 2011. | PP: 57-65 | Volume-1 Issue-5, November 2011. | Retrieval Number: E0148081511/2011©BEIESP
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© The Authors. Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Abstract: This article is aimed on the specific task of interaction with an immerse visualisation application. The first part of the article provides basic introduction into interaction paradigms in 3D space. After that classification and description of standard interaction tasks are presented. We introduce our view of matter on relations between the 3D interaction and standard interaction techniques. The second part describes hardware and software components of our VR system. Furthermore an overview of the architecture and implementation details of system for interactive visualisation configuration is discussed. We describe design specifications of a 3D UI, which helps to make interaction less error prone for inexperienced users. A specific solution for performing numerical input is also provided. The main goal of the article is to describe how 3D user interface paradigms can be implemented in the VR system.
Keywords: 3D interaction, virtual reality, visualisation.